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There are a few appearance pixels that may affect the look of things, it is currently being fixed! 

A few trees will be added and some removed also giving more variety to use different branches as well as trunks to be made more available!

Multiple shadow selections!

27/01/23 work started.


Really nice, great work, I always struggle to make trees I have no idea how you managed to make that amount of trees!


I generally had a sheer force of will to be quite honest, pressure of failure, life in shambles as well as it took me about a week to finish and come up with these things. I might make some type of tutorial on my new Ko-fi site, if possible, that would be awesome. The two biggest motivators in life are 1. Pressure 2. A potential to get maybe a bit of money to go about your day.  I hope that helps explain it how I managed to make some nice trees, though the styles are not 100 % one sided I still think they turned out quite great.!  Thanks for the comment and have an amazing rest of the day.!

Damn its been 2 years since I told myself to do the kofi site 😅I should get at it, it be interesting to showcase how I make these assets from start to finish and all the faliures I go through before it comes out.



Thank you !




Love it !

Love you as well!